Mac'Illemhaoel |
Mac-na-Maoile |
MacElmail |
MacElmeel |
MacElmoyle |
MacGhillemhaoil |
Macgilbile |
MacGilmole |
Macgilveil |
MacIlemoyle |
MacIllemhool |
MacIlleveole |
MacIlmoil |
*MacKevoil |
Macklvaill |
MacKmallen |
Mackmellon |
Mackmillion |
MacKmolene |
Mackmulane |
**Mackmull |
Mackmyllan |
***Macknilliam |
MacMallen |
MacMhaolain |
Macmilan |
Macmilian |
MacMillan |
Macmillan |
Macmillen |
Macmillian |
MacMillion |
**MacMoil |
MacMolan |
Macmolane |
MacMolini |
**Macmul |
MacMulane |
MacMuleni |
MacMullen |
Macmullen |
MacMullin |
Macmullin |
MacMulling |
MacMylan |
MacMyllan |
MacNamell |
MacNamil |
Macquemullan |
**Macvail |
Makgillemuil |
Makmillan |
Makmollane |
Makmulane |
Makmullane |
Makmyllan |
Makmyllane |
Makmyllen |
McElmeel |
*McGhavile |
McGillemoil |
Mcgillemoill |
McGillemoill |
McGillemoyll |
McGillemule |
McGillevoyll |
McGillimoyle |
McGilmole |
McGilmoyle |
McGilvaoil |
McGilveall |
McGilveill |
McGilvoy |
*McHevoul |
*McHoul |
*McHoull |
*McHowall |
*McHowell |
McIlevail |
McIleveule |
McIlevoil |
McIlimhewil |
McIllemoyll |
McIllemull |
McIllevail |
McIllevoill |
McIllvaoil |
McIllvoll |
McIllywoul |
McIlmail |
McIlmale |
McIlmiline |
McIlmilline |
McIlmoil |
McIlmoill |
McIlmoyle |
McIlovyll |
McIluvail |
McIlvail |
McIlvaile |
McIlveall |
McIlveile |
McIlveoll |
McIlvoail |
McIlvoil |
McIlvoile |
McIlvoill |
McIlvoille |
McIlvole |
McIlvoll |
McIlvoyel |
McIlvoyle |
McIlvoyll |
McIlvyle |
McIlwoyll |
McKilvoile |
Mckmillan |
McKmillan |
McMallan |
McMallen |
McMallin |
McMelane |
McMelen |
McMellen |
McMellian |
McMellion |
McMellon |
McMeylane |
Mcmeylane |
***McMilam |
McMilan |
McMilane |
McMilen |
McMileon |
McMilion |
McMillain |
McMillaine |
***McMillam |
McMillan |
Mcmillan |
McMilland |
McMillane |
McMilleen |
McMillen |
***McMilliam |
McMillian |
McMillin |
McMillion |
Mcmillion |
McMillon |
McMillone |
McMolane |
McMolen |
McMollan |
McMolland |
McMollane |
McMollem |
McMollen |
McMollim |
McMollin |
McMollone |
McMullwne |
McMolyne |
McMouln |
McMoylane |
**McMoyle |
McMoylen |
McMuillane |
McMuilline |
McMulan |
McMuleon |
McMuline |
McMulion |
McMulione |
McMullain |
McMullan |
McMulland |
McMullane |
McMullen |
McMullens |
McMullian |
McMullin |
McMulling |
McMullins |
McMullion |
McMullione |
McMullon |
McMulyione |
McMwlane |
Mcmylen |
McMyllane |
McNomoille |
*McOvill |
McUlvoyl |
McUlvoyll |
*MacKevoil in the notes of Andrew Lang’s “The Highlands in 1750” is clearly a misprint, as the word to which it refers in the main text is McIlevoil. It is included here, however, as a significant illustration of the process by which so many variations appear; even as late as 1898, when this was published.
McGhavile appears here on the same basis, though the Gh would probably not have been sounded; making it more akin to the name McOvill: which is in fact recorded in a government document for the Lochaber M’millans. If this version applies, so then may the variants of McHevoul / McHoul / McHowel: though it should not be assumed that these are always M’millans, as the last two also occur as versions of M’coul / M’doul; i.e. M’dowel / M’dougal
** Mackmull / McMoyle etc. could as easily stand for the sons of bald men as for M’millans; while M’vail is claimed by the M’gregors & M’kays as well as the Camerons (amongst whom it may be a version of M’phail).
***Macknilliam / McMilam etc. obviously could be versions of M’william, especially those spelt with the final i. But as variants of M’millian / M’milliam abound; and as versions without the final i (such as McMillam) are clearly in some cases simple misprints of McMillan, it’s quite possible some versions of McMilliam do also stand for M’millan.
**** McVolan could be “M’Mhaolain” since mh is pronounced like the English v; but the record of it quoted by Somerled MacMillan actually occurs in a patronymic as vic Wolan (vic / mhic is genitive of mac; while w = v in medieval Scots), and seems in fact to be a misprint of vic Jhohan - i.e. mac John - so genuine sightings are still awaited.