Clan MacMillan, New Mexico
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A Kintyre name that has long been associated with the M’millans (see Andrew McKerral, “Kintyre in the Seventeenth Century”, 1948). M’Geil/M’Veil would appear to be a truncated or Anglicised form of M’Ilgheil/M’Ilveil (i.e. M’Ilmhaoil or MacGhillemhaoil) the name born by the Barons of Barrichbean in Lorn, an offshoot of the M’Couls or MacDougalls of Craignish – who took their patronymic surname from Dougal mac Malcolm mhic Maolan. The traditions of both Lorn and Kintyre tell how descendants of Clann Dhughaill left Craignish when the Campbells took it over and settled in the south of Kintyre, which was still then a MacDonald possession - and where MacMillans from Knapdale also took refuge when expelled from their homes by the Campbells in the early 16th century.
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